Bits and BobsHow now, lonely cow? No more Valentine’s Day cuddles for the country's sacred animal.

Holy cow! India’s 'Hug a Cow Day' given the chop

No hugs for these cows on Valentine’s Day.
No hugs for these cows on Valentine’s Day. Photo Credit: Adobe Stock/Elena

We’re not sure who will be the most relieved – the cows or the huggers – now that India’s moo-ted Cow Hug Day – replacing Valentine’s Day – has officially been dumped.

The idea to honour an animal considered sacred by India’s majority Hindu population was promoted by the Animal Welfare Board of India, but sections of the Indian media described the proposal as “udderly ridiculous”, mocking it with images of cows running away from amorous men.

Twitter users had a bit of fun, too. One posting an image of a lonely cow that no-one wanted to hug.

Undaunted, the animal welfare board argued that cuddling cows was part of an effort to promote “Vedic” or sacred Hindu traditions, which it claimed have been eroded by Western influence.

Unsurprisingly, the country’s politicians couldn’t stay out of the controversy.

“Cows should be hugged,” one lawmaker said. “We should love and hug the cow.”

The Indian government disagreed and has probably spared unsuspecting cows with a close encounter they could do without.

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