Trade Shows and EventsMajor exhibitor presence and strong recovery of travel demand drive huge turnout at MATTA Fair 2023 in Kuala Lumpur.

MATTA Fair 2023 makes travel great again

The largest travel consumer fair in Kuala Malaysia offers hopes for tourism recovery in Malaysia and beyond.
The largest travel consumer fair in Kuala Malaysia offers hopes for tourism recovery in Malaysia and beyond. Photo Credit: MITEC

It's back and it's big.

That’s the first impression visitors got at the MATTA Fair 2023, which took place 17-19 March at it new home in Malaysia International Trade & Exhibition Centre (MITEC), Kuala Lumpur.

The 52nd MATTA Fair, organised by the Malaysian Association of Tour and Travel Agents (MATTA), featured 1,420 exhibition booths occupying nine halls across 37,000 square metres.

Consumers had a choice to pick deals and offers from not just the 107 participating travel and tour agencies, 19 national tourism organisations (NTOs), 13 state tourism offices, 37 hotels and resorts, seven theme parks, two cruise lines, six airlines, and 31 other travel-related services exhibitors.

MATTA is defining a new standard of travel fair paving the way for the MATTA Fair to realise its full potential as a truly holistic consumer travel fair in the years to come," said MATTA president Datuk Tan Kok Liang. "The decision to move our famous MATTA Fair to this new venue has the potential to result in the expansion and improvement of the MATTA Fair to the very highest level."

Apart from having a new home in MITEC, this year’s fair also scored a number of firsts, including having a dedicated Umrah Pavilion and participation by Saudi Tourism Authority.

Asian NTOs, including Macao Government Tourism Office, Taiwan Tourism Board and Hong Kong Tourism Board, also had a marked presence at the fair to entice Malaysian travellers with their diverse offerings and destinations.

It has been a good start to the year for MATTA which also recently embarked on a mission to secure collaborative partnerships with its European counterparts, such as Switzerland, the Czech Republic, Poland, Estonia, and Finland.

“These collaborative partnerships will accelerate our organisations’ members’ journey towards recovery. We will be working closely to actively cross-promote tourism between our countries to achieve meaningful short and long-term results,” added Tan. 

MATTA Fair 2023 was officially launched by Malaysian Minister of Tourism, Arts and Culture Dato Sri Tiong King Sing (centre).
MATTA Fair 2023 was officially launched by Malaysian Minister of Tourism, Arts and Culture Dato Sri Tiong King Sing (centre). Photo Credit: MATTA

MATTA Fair 2023 was officially launched by Malaysian Minister of Tourism, Arts and Culture Dato Sri Tiong King Sing, who also announced his ministry’s support for MATTA members to extend the validity period of licenses for tour operators and tour guides from three to five years during during the opening ceremony.

True to its promise of offering a fanfare environment, themed cafes were located on each floor including Michelin-selected restaurants, Qureshi and Limapulo. There were also daily talk shows and a variety of multicultural performances from STOs and NTOs including crafts and fashion shows.

An estimated 250,000 visitors turned up over the three-day affair from 17-19 March, 2023.

Click here for a look at the lively atmosphere at MATTA Fair 2023.

MATTA Fair 2023 makes travel great again

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