Travel Agent NewsPack it in, or we’ll prosecute those responsible for fake accounts, association warns.

MATTA sends strong warning to social media fraudsters

MATTA has urged the public to be “very wary and alert“ of MATTA Fair social media fake accounts.
MATTA has urged the public to be “very wary and alert“ of MATTA Fair social media fake accounts. Photo Credit: Adobe Stock/terovesalainen.

The Malaysian Association of Tour and Travel Agents (MATTA) has issued a strong warning that it will not hesitate to chase down those who are compromising its social media channels and intellectual property.

MATTA has urged the public to be “very wary and alert “of MATTA Fair social media fake accounts “that are impersonating to be our organisation”.

Ahmad Auza’ie Roslan, MATTA communication executive, said, “These social media accounts for MATTA Fair may have a similar appearance and use our name and logo. However, we do not encourage the public to interact with or purchase anything travel-related through these fake accounts.”

Further, MATTA advised anyone who has received or encountered fraudulent or dubious social media accounts – “purportedly promoting or selling something said to be from us – to immediately report them to the respective social media platform”.

MATTA said it will enforce its intellectual property rights and take legal action against any party that compromises its trademark branding of MATTA Fair .

“MATTA encourages the public to always check the authenticity of our social media account by going to our websites or to verify anything that may look suspicious,” Roslan added.

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