FestivalsCreepiest edition returns with generous variety inspired by Asian’s nightmarish worlds and folklores

What to expect at USS’ Halloween Horror Nights 9

Escape the clutches of this Serpentine Spirit at this year’s headliner act, Curse of the Naga.
Escape the clutches of this Serpentine Spirit at this year’s headliner act, Curse of the Naga. Photo Credit: Resorts World Sentosa

SINGAPORE – Billed as its creepiest edition yet, our anticipations ran high of Universal Studios Singapore’s (USS) ninth annual Halloween event on Sentosa that kicks off Friday (Sept 27).

Featuring Thai-style horror for the first time, USS has tapped Asia’s most skilful in creating hair-raising, nightmarish worlds through a collaboration with Thai filmmakers of blockbuster horror films Shutter and 4bia. The annual scare event runs for 16 event nights.

At a preview on Wednesday (Sept 25), we braved our way through five haunted houses, two scare zones and two fringe shows.

Here is what’s on offer at the annual scare event:

1. Asian horror
Whether your worst nightmare comes in the form of eerie Japanese dolls or a vacation chalet haunted by a legion of ghosts and spirits in Asian folklore, there’s no shortage of culturally-relevant horror to choose from.

Eerie Japanese dolls are the new pals at the abandoned Spirit Dolls house. (Naomi Neoh)

Not forgetting the headliner act, Curse of the Naga, which leaves nothing to the imagination in way of menacing snakes set in a traditional Thai village. We barely escaped this by squeezing through a final passageway stuffed with large air sacs.

Enter an atypical chalet haunted by paranormal activity. (Resorts World Sentosa)

Expect some scares from well-concealed nooks, realistic decrepit rooms with equally convincing musky odours and several misty zones throughout the houses, which are sure to up the fear factor as you grope your way to the exit.

2. Twisted fun or confined spaces
Horror activates its twisted sense of fun as sinister clowns with evil intent pop out from behind mirrors amid almost seizure-inducing pulsating lights. There’s also a hellish prison setting overflowing with wardens and the sounds of tortured prisoners and grim execution scenes.

Attempt a prison break from this grisly scene at Hell Block 9. (Naomi Neoh)

3. Fringe programmes
An unexpected delight was its humorously morbid variety show Skin & Bones, with programme highlights from a literal ‘deathly’ clash of pop divas Mariah ‘Scary’ and ‘Hairiana’ Grande – no prizes for guessing who survives - and a sexy sword-swallowing performer.

We closed out the night with a headbanging death metal showcase, Death Fest, replete with a parade from the low-ranking subjects of hell to the devil himself. It’s a grand spectacle of flashy graphics, impressive pyrotechnics and an aerial performer.

A good spot for photo opportunities with ghoulish creatures and coffins can be found at its scare zones, where free-roaming ghosts ply the area amid some appropriately creepy coffins.

Tickets can be purchased online here, with options for 10 peak and six non-peak event nights. Peak night tickets at S$70 (US$50) and non-peak at S$60. Tickets also include access to rides and attractions during event nights.

Check out our highlights here.

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