Travel TrendsCtrip reports a 12-fold increase in outbound travel bookings during the recent Dragon Boat Festival.

Chinese outbound travel roars back into action

Chinese millennial travellers prefer destinations within a three-hour flight time, while domestic travellers opt for destinations within a 300km radius.
Chinese millennial travellers prefer destinations within a three-hour flight time, while domestic travellers opt for destinations within a 300km radius. Photo Credit: Adobe Stock/Светлана Коробкова

Chinese OTA giant Ctrip has reported a significant surge in outbound travel bookings among the Chinese travellers during the recent Dragon Boat Festival holiday.

Compared to the previous year, outbound bookings for the festival have increased more than 12 times. The average cost of one-way air tickets for outbound travel has also decreased by 6% compared to the May Day holiday.

The primary groups engaging in outbound travel from mainland China are post-80s (37%) and post-90s (36%) generations who prefer leisurely holidays. Popular destinations include Hong Kong, Bangkok, Macau, Tokyo, and Singapore.

Hong Kong stands out as the most popular option, with hotel orders increasing over 18 times year-over-year. Many travellers are choosing the high-speed rail to Hong Kong, resulting in a more than 60% increase in orders compared to the previous month.

Millennials opt for destinations based on proximity, visa requirements, and flight convenience, favouring routes within a three-hour flight time.

Domestically, travellers are selecting destinations within a radius of 300 kilometres or less, with popular cities including Hangzhou, Shanghai, Nanjing, Guangzhou, Suzhou, Beijing, Tianjin, Jinan, Qinhuangdao, and Shenzhen.

Domestic hotel prices have decreased, with Xi'an experiencing a 29% drop compared to May. Outdoor and rural activities have become popular among young travelers, with outdoor product bookings increasing by over 50% in the past two weeks.

Ctrip's data reflects a growing trend for summer vacations, with search data rising 50% from the previous year. Family travel has seen a surge, with parent-child tours accounting for over 30% of all summer bookings, more than seven times compared to last year.

The increasing supply capacity indicates a renewed confidence among Chinese travellers, signalling positive travel recovery.

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