Travel TrendsFemale Muslim travellers play a big influence in trip planning, seeking fun without comprising their faith, safety, and comfort.

The future of Muslim travel is female

Privacy-focused recreational spaces and women-centric activities hold high value for Muslim women.
Privacy-focused recreational spaces and women-centric activities hold high value for Muslim women. Photo Credit: Adobe Stock/Odua Images

Halal food, prayer rooms and bidets are a must as they travel in search of cultural immersion.

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Over 45% of Muslim travellers are women, playing a significant role in trip planning, particularly when traveling with their families or spouses, revealed the ‘Shaping the Future of Tourism A 2019’ report by Mastercard-CrescentRating.

This highlights the importance of understanding the specific needs of this niche group and ensuring effective catering to their requirements.

"Women generally become more engaged in researching trips," explains licensed counsellor Dr. Sangeeta Kaur. "They are concerned about safety, hygiene, and desire memorable experiences that set their holidays apart."

Female Muslim travellers also thoroughly research local cultural tours, convenient hotel locations, and seasonal activities, seeking recommendations from friends and relatives, she adds.

Unique needs of Muslim female travellers

Women are key decision-makers in trip planning, especially for family and spousal travel.
Women are key decision-makers in trip planning, especially for family and spousal travel. Photo Credit: Adobe Stock/Kencana Studio

The same CrescentRating report revealed that Muslim female travellers share needs that align with general Muslim travellers, but with a specific emphasis on safety, privacy, and comfort. They value recreational spaces that prioritise privacy and seek activities designed specifically for women. Recognising these needs is crucial to providing a satisfying and secure travel experience for Muslim women travellers.

According to Nur Alyssa Coraline Yussin, research and training director at Islamic Tourism Centre, initiatives like the Muslim-Friendly Tourism and Hospitality Assurance and Recognition (MFAR) in Malaysia exemplify efforts to cater to Muslim women travellers. This programme recognises tourism products and services, including hotels and resorts, that offer gender-segregated facilities such as swimming pools and gyms, ensuring the comfort and convenience of Muslim women guests, regardless of their religious affiliation.

More inclusivity for Muslim women

Tour operators are also becoming increasingly sensitive to the specific needs of Muslim women. In the Maldives, many resorts provide female diving instructors to enable women guests to enjoy snorkelling or scuba diving with comfort and privacy. Similarly, adventure activity providers, like Skydive Ontario in Canada, engage women instructors to cater to the interests and preferences of Muslim women.

They pray five times a day and do not engage in activities like bar-hopping or nightclubbing. Like anyone else, they simply wish to have fun and feel comfortable while doing so.– Nadiah Ghazali, Safar Trips

"What many Muslim women have in common is the desire to travel without compromising their faith," explains Nadiah Ghazali, whose company, Safar Trips, organises Muslim-friendly women-only activities, including ladies-only wall climbing outings. "They pray five times a day and do not engage in activities like bar-hopping or nightclubbing. Like anyone else, they simply wish to have fun and feel comfortable while doing so."

Spa Village Resort Tembok in Bali ensures a respectful and inclusive environment for Muslim female spa-goers, prioritising their comfort and privacy.
Spa Village Resort Tembok in Bali ensures a respectful and inclusive environment for Muslim female spa-goers, prioritising their comfort and privacy. Photo Credit: Spa Village Resort Tembok

Inclusive accommodations like Spa Village Resort Tembok in Bali prioritise the comfort and care of Muslim female spa-goers.

Chik Lai Ping, the senior vice president of the spa division at YTL Hotels, explains that through continuous staff education, they ensure a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere, considering religious and cultural sensitivities. Meticulous attention is given to maintain privacy and modesty during the spa experience, “demonstrating our commitment to creating a respectful and inclusive environment."

By addressing the unique needs of Muslim female travellers, destinations, hotels, and activity providers empower women to explore the world while feeling comfortable and respected in their faith and personal preferences.

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