Travel TrendsSingaporean travellers seek experiences like making new friends and sharing passionate kisses.

Top 20 moments Singaporean travellers want out of a vacation

The number one travel experience coveted by Singaporeans is a meal with a view.
The number one travel experience coveted by Singaporeans is a meal with a view. Photo Credit: Adobe Stock/marchsirawit

A recent study conducted among 500 Singaporean travellers aged 18-34 has unveiled the top 20 perfect moments that these individuals seek to experience while on holiday.

The research, commissioned by Contiki, a social travel company catering to young adults, aimed to identify the key factors that contribute to creating unforgettable trips. According to the findings, stepping out of one's comfort zone, meeting new people, trying local delicacies, and visiting renowned landmarks were among the pivotal elements.

The study emphasised the significance of exploring beyond one's comfort zone, with 37% of respondents asserting that pushing boundaries was essential for an unforgettable journey. Additionally, the majority of participants valued travelling in groups of at least four people and engaging in a minimum of four new experiences during their vacations.

Making new friends was considered a key component by 32% of the respondents, who believed that meeting at least two people added to the memorability of their trips. Furthermore, indulging in the local cuisine was regarded as crucial by 66% of the participants, who believed that trying at least four new dishes contributed to a remarkable vacation.

The research shed light on Singaporean travellers' preferences when it came to capturing the perfect moments on their trips. On average, respondents took 73 photos and 14 videos, aiming to document the four most memorable experiences they encountered. The study revealed that respondents had been on an average of five truly remarkable trips each. Furthermore, 21% of those who had travelled solo believed that those particular vacations had created more enduring memories compared to other types of travel experiences.

The study also highlighted the growing importance of physical connections in today's increasingly virtual world. More than half of the respondents (56%) emphasised the significance of spending quality time with people while on holiday. Additionally, 47% of the participants felt so strongly about the importance of memorable vacations that they would be willing to quit a job that hindered them from taking the necessary time off.

Singaporean travellers' top 20 moments:

  1. Drinks or food with a view
  2. Watching a sunrise or sunset with your friends or family
  3. Seeing a famous landmark
  4. Ticking something off their bucket list
  5. Something funny that becomes a story to tell for years to come
  6. Trying the local delicacy which is considered unusual at home
  7. Doing something that takes you out of your comfort zone
  8. Getting a full tour of a beautiful city
  9. Some kind of joke or funny event which goes onto become a running joke among friends or family
  10. Finding the ideal souvenirs/gifts
  11. Making a connection with a local person/ group of people
  12. Getting a tour around a local town or village
  13. Making a new friend
  14. Doing something adrenaline-spiking, such as bungee jumping or parachuting
  15. A holiday romance kiss
  16. Climbing a mountain
  17. Seeing animals in their natural habitat
  18. Taking a detour or getting lost and finding an empty beach or amazing view
  19. Being proposed to/ proposing to someone/ witnessing a proposal
  20. Swimming in the sea

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