DestinationsAs Tourism Malaysia marks its 50th anniversary, director general Ammar bin Abd. Ghapar unveils a multi-faceted strategy to attract tourists.

At 50, Tourism Malaysia bares its soul to travellers

Tourism Malaysia commemorates its 50th anniversary, Ammar bin Abd. Ghapar, director general of Tourism Malaysia unveils its multi-faceted strategy at attracting tourists.
Tourism Malaysia commemorates its 50th anniversary, Ammar bin Abd. Ghapar, director general of Tourism Malaysia unveils its multi-faceted strategy at attracting tourists. Photo Credit: Adobe Stock/Robert Fudali

In a fiercely competitive post-pandemic tourism landscape, standing out is crucial to capture the attention of discerning tourists who are presented with an abundance of choices.

As Tourism Malaysia commemorates its 50th anniversary, the question arises: How is the agency reimagining itself? Ammar bin Abd. Ghapar, who became director general of Tourism Malaysia earlier this year, reveals that their post-pandemic strategy encompasses a comprehensive multi-pronged approach.

1. Intensifying global marketing efforts

“As we return to normalcy in this post-pandemic, we are intensifying our marketing efforts through our Malaysia Truly Asia and Cuti-Cuti Malaysia brands,” said Ammar.

Tourism Malaysia is banking on its new global video campaign to match the success of its previous acclaimed campaign, ‘Malaysia Truly Asia'. The latest campaign, aptly named 'The Soul of Malaysia’, aims to entice global audiences to embark on an immersive journey and discover the diverse treasures Malaysia has in store. This video has been strategically released through channels like the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) and Discovery Network, and on Tourism Malaysia's own social media platforms.

2. Promoting niche tourism products

Ammar shared that his agency is currently focusing efforts on enhancing the promotion of specialised offerings, including but not limited to health and wellness, sports, gastronomy, education, medical tourism, and Muslim-friendly tourism. By targeting these specific areas, Tourism Malaysia aims to cater to the diverse interests and preferences of discerning travellers.

3. Going green

Aligning with the Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDG) and the National Tourism Policy (NTP) 2020-2030, Tourism Malaysia is dedicated to positioning Malaysia as a premier ecotourism destination globally.

“With the ever-changing travelling trends and behaviours, we are seeing more awareness of sustainable and responsible tourism,” Ammar explained. “Thankfully, Malaysia is home to a diverse ecosystem, some of which are open to be explored and enjoyed responsibly by tourists. There are plenty of suitable destinations and products such as our national parks, mangrove forest reserves, animal rehabilitation centres, homestays/kampung stays, and our UNESCO World Heritage Sites.”

With this focus on sustainability and ecotourism, Tourism Malaysia also plans to target the emerging market segment of digital nomads. They will enhance their presence on social media platforms and engage in strategic collaborations to appeal to this growing group of travellers.

While the success of Tourism Malaysia's reinvigorated strategy remains to be seen in an increasingly demanding world, the agency's focus on sustainability and diverse offerings positions them well to attract tourists seeking responsible and unique travel experiences in Malaysia.

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