Travel TechnologyEducate travellers about cybersecurity with tips like limiting social media posts and avoiding public Wi-Fi networks.

5 smart, practical cyber safety tips for travellers

Exercise caution when sharing real-time location on social media to avoid becoming an easy target for cybercriminals while travelling.
Exercise caution when sharing real-time location on social media to avoid becoming an easy target for cybercriminals while travelling. Photo Credit: Adobe Stock/anastasiyalee

Travel agents play a vital role in ensuring clients have a safe and enjoyable trip. In today's digital age, it's essential to educate travellers about the potential risks of cyber threats while abroad, help them understand the potential risks and empower them to take proactive measures to safeguard their data and identity while exploring the world.

These five safety tips from Keeper Security can help safeguard travellers from getting their sensitive data stolen:

1. Limit social media posts

Advise travellers to exercise caution when sharing their location on social media platforms. Disclosing real-time whereabouts can make them an easy target for cybercriminals. Encourage them to wait until they've moved to a new destination or suggest saving their travel posts for when they return home.

2. Avoid public Wi-Fi

Inform travellers about the risks associated with connecting to public Wi-Fi networks, such as those found in airports or hotels. Attackers can exploit these networks to gain access to personal data. Encourage them to use secure cellular data plans or invest in a trusted Virtual Private Network (VPN) service for secure internet access.

3. Use a VPN

Emphasise the importance of using a VPN while travelling. Highlight the benefits, such as protecting online identities, securing connections, and avoiding bandwidth throttling. Recommend reliable VPN services that offer encryption and ensure their browsing sessions remain private, regardless of their location.

4. Upload important documents

Remind travellers to make digital copies of essential documents like passports, visas, and medical records. Explain the importance of uploading these copies to a secure password manager or cloud storage service. This ensures they have easy access to their documents in case of loss or theft.

5. Securely share emergency info

Educate travellers about the importance of securely sharing emergency information with trusted sources. Recommend encrypted services like One Time Share, which allow them to send time-limited access to critical details like insurance information or passport copies. This way, their loved ones can provide assistance in case of an emergency without compromising sensitive data.

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