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Planning a Europe trip? Remember the new ETIAS visa

Starting January 2024, over 60 visa-exempt countries must apply for the ETIAS visa to visit most European countries.
Starting January 2024, over 60 visa-exempt countries must apply for the ETIAS visa to visit most European countries. Photo Credit: Adobe Stock/SasinParaksa

Starting in January 2024, travellers from over 60 visa-exempt countries will need to obtain prior authorisation through the EU Travel Information & Authorization System (ETIAS) to visit most European countries. This move aims to streamline travel and enhance security by ensuring that travellers meet entry conditions before their arrival.

While experts anticipate the visa process to be relatively simple and quick, many travellers may be unaware of these impending changes, potentially causing disruptions to their travel plans.

All non-EU citizens are required to apply for the ETIAS visa.

Failure to obtain the necessary ETIAS approval could result in denied boarding for flights or rejection at EU borders for those travelling by ground transportation.

The ETIAS visa will apply to countries such as Austria, Belgium, Croatia, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland, among others. With a valid ETIAS travel authorisation, visitors can enjoy short-term stays of up to 90 days within any 180-day period across 30 participating European countries.

Obtaining an ETIAS visa can be done online or through the official mobile application for a cost of €7 (US$7.81). It is important to note that possession of an ETIAS authorisation does not guarantee entry, as border guards will still verify travellers' passports and documents upon arrival.

The travel industry and agents will play a crucial role in educating travellers about these changes to avoid any disruptions or cancellations. Travel insurers may also benefit from this new requirement, as proof of insurance is often necessary for visa applications. However, insurers will need to offer relevant and competitively priced policies tailored to travelers' needs.

Despite the added logistical step, travel agents can reassure travellers that obtaining an ETIAS visa should not be a cause for excessive concern. Once acquired, the visa will be valid for three years, and its application process is comparable to other online application requirements for travel destinations. The guidance of travel agents can assist travellers in navigating the new visa requirements effectively.

However, the success of the ETIAS programme will depend on the efficiency of visa issuance and whether it requires significant advanced planning. Patience and understanding will be key for travellers adjusting to these new procedures, highlighting the importance of using travel agents for guidance during this transition.

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